Monday, February 28, 2011

Green Green 13 Uncensored?


Dear friends,
reasons or as a document is supposed to discuss today's Italy. As usual Sgarbi looks insane ... In fact quite skillfully blends (I'll explain in comments) populism, emancipation and "save B., the fault is not his", given that not everything 'he says is' FALSE. We must be careful with a forked tongue like well-trained. We can have the tools to do so. The Voghera housewife who masturbates the mind with "The Arena" no.

Your correspondent Emilia

Ps I hate Giletti.
PPs Ballets I learned! ALSO GIVE! ALSO GIVE! ALSO GIVE! The shortcut, the shortcut, the shortcut!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Infinite Money On Poptropica

respected all over the world (2)

continue disgraced the world of our Prime Minister ...

[ Here the first part ]

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where To Sell Pewter Candlesticks

Revolutions of the Maghreb and the Middle East. A difficult future between democracy and restoration.

The world astonished to assist the revolution taking place in Africa and the Middle East. The failure of diplomats and analysts and a future difficult to delineate. Francesco Della Lunga

Film De Jet Li Unleashed En Streaming


Dear Friends ... Our friend
One (born December 28, 1985, contrary to the previously announced ... we apologize for the inconvenience) has disappeared. His presence on the blog has been too short to be remembered but too intense to be forgotten. Write something ... Yes

Ballets ... This is a post to make a hire. Bandiscimi by! FREEDOM, 'FREEDOM', FREEDOM '(see next post)!

Your dear correspondent Emilia (away ... that soon will rise ...)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pokemon: Dawn's Upskirt

Benigni Baudo

Guys: I found this relic of Benigni Baudo and talking to hot on the policies of the '94 RaiDue. I do not know whether it is more incredible that level of political satire on Rai, or that even then it was clear that our beloved President trafficked in low clear and yet no one lifted a finger from left to resolve the conflict of interests in the years after.

Build Big Green Egg Table

Portrait (ironic?) Gaddafi

by Roberto Di Ferdinando

In December 1973, Gaddafi was on an official visit to France. On that occasion, in Paris, called a press conference, came about 200 journalists waited for more than 6 hours, the colonel, however, was not see. The two writers, Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini, journalist for La Stampa, took inspiration from this episode to make a parody of the character Gaddafi, but at the same time an elegant irony in the information world. Also a way to denounce the attitudes of superiority and boorish blowhard that Gaddafi reservations (?) To his interlocutors, the Heads of State or journalists who are (were?). The article, published in the Turin newspaper, owned by Agnelli, infuriated that he asked Libya without obtaining the dismissal of two journalists and the then director, Arrigo Levi, boycotted in retaliation for Tripoli's investment in Fiat and Italy. In these days of
blood in Libya, that portrait again topical.
quote here a part of the article published by La Stampa, 6 December 1973 and noted in the Corriere della Sera yesterday. RDF

"It seems that, given the press conference days ago by Colonel Gaddafi to two hundred Western reporters in Paris, there seems to have specialized by commentators and the general public attention it deserved. The journalists - tell Chronicles - were enraged because, for the 18 squad, Gaddafi had to wait in the street until midnight, at which time were told that the meeting was put off the next morning. A detail from anything that the reader, although the note, mechanically associated with those groups tumultuous photojournalist in shirt sleeves at the airport waiting for Elizabeth Taylor. I'm getting paid for it, no? But journalists were waiting to Gaddafi of an entirely different species, distinguished economists and Orientalists, philosophers and politicians, influential columnist, major newspapers for information. The scene is so very different and difficult: these guys still for hours and hours on the boulevard, mostly elderly and dressed in blue with umbrella and gloves are not accustomed to such treatment by a foreign head of state. The would happen, of course, to make a long hall, to take the fish's face, but always according to well defined rules of respect for the forms, appearances. More than "annoyed" is therefore likely to be heard "umiliatissimi. And the older of them, even frightened. Here we go again, it will be said with a shudder, recalling other heads of state in that time were not even close to the game of good manners. It matters little that the "strength" of Gaddafi and other Arab leaders as well as indirect, relative, coming from oil and protection of Russia. As the Commedia dell'Arte, History sudden in detail, but keeping a few ironclad mechanisms, always the same, with regard to the essential. And at a press conference in Paris, the elements of drama were all removed from office. On the one hand frivolous dandies, the other the bully with a stick. On the one hand the kind, spoiled, sophisticated, quirky and helpless children and grandchildren of European democracy, the other a mystical dictator who holds the knife to the neck and brutally shows to know. The rest is smoke, gauze, diversion, variant scenic irrelevant game of colored lights. The behavior of Europe to Hitler from 1933 to 1939 allows very few illusions about what we expect in the coming years, diplomatic, ideological, religious, cultural and everyday life. The chilling whisper beneinformato 'think' will return to clog up our ears. - It seems that Gaddafi is in fact a creature of the CIA. Does not move a finger without asking permission from them. - It seems that he does not count anything. Are those two priests who are always following leads that have everything in hand. - The speeches, which seems to them to him to write a surveyor Italian, some horses. Novara. - A religious fanatic? But imagine! Apparently, when he was guest of Tito, has eaten a wild boar roast all by himself. - No, he himself is an extraordinary man. It seems to work 22 hours a day. And he seems to have an ulcer, seems to be homosexual, he sleeps on a mattress of tobacco leaves, which keeps a harem of 48 wives in Switzerland, who loves Mozart, who can not suffer motorcycles and carnations. It seems, above all, that Italians (or French, or English, or German), we love, we estimated that we particularly admire, we want to sell, which already is selling even sneaking it ('it seems that in Genoa ...»), rivers of oil. The nauseating chatter will widen inexorably to include the 'Islamic path to socialism. " A slave trader, a killer of Cosa Nostra, may now legally exercise their profession if they had the foresight to hide in this wonderful fake Hoiisense invented by scholars of international politics. The UN itself is not a whisper would rise against a "street mafia" or a "slave route" to socialism. The "Islamic way", which the press conference turns out to be one of Gaddafi those doctrines that a child of ten could easily refute, will therefore be taken very seriously in Europe. Are always the children who say that the emperor has no clothes, the major will soon be putting together special issues of scholarly journals, showing how the "new" to "vital" to "qualitatively different" to "significant" and course of 'valid' there is in Marx that attempts to mate with Allah [...] "
The full text article is available on-line archive of La Stampa (

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can My Neck Become Sore From Snowboarding

Italy on RAI, this unknown

Dear friends,
a quick (hopefully) post on a sensitive issue. Since well before you start talking about the 150th anniversary of the Italian Republic happened would put a simple question to my casual passers-by, "What unites the Italians?"

Question misplaced friends ... It would be the first to ask: "There are Italians? And if so ... Who am I?" The problem is that I place identity.

not uncomfortable recent events and television political talk, as usual, I take it from afar and in a completely abstract. What does the identity of a people, a nation? A common historical past. A substantial unity of language, customs and culture. On this basis, however, the question becomes unsolvable. Yes, because ... Italy has something that many, if not all, countries of the world envy us ... For example, the varieties' habits, tastes, landscapes and, perhaps, even of language, given the huge range of dialects that are spoken in our area. And 'this negative wealth? I think not. So the problem of national identity as a place above has one exception: us. In these terms, I doubt you can very common to find an identity.

To find heroes "national" we often have to resort to a distant past. Heroes, however, whether national or not, because in most cases they did not even our notion of Italy is very little concern or to build a national identity. Heroes, compared with other greats of the past foreigners seem to fade away, in a kind of provincialism immelmati congenital very noticeable (I'm thinking of the historical comparisons to Wagner or Verdi-Manzoni-Hugo, I have deliberately chosen from among their contemporaries in order to avoid contradiction ). To be impervious we appeal to Dante, the great Renaissance painters such as Leonardo, for some poets insuperable in time and space as Leopardi. But we seem to lack credibility. Why? I think one factor is due to the fact that our recent past, the twentieth century, does not hold, except in some rare cases, the comparison with other cultural experiences abroad (maybe speak to this theme again). The lack of real national heroes in this sense reflects the variegation of the above. And then there's another big problem. In our "nationalism", which we have suffered the fascist dictatorship, historically means to give voice to the empty words of D'Annunzio, Mussolini's propaganda proclamations, it means a sinister scheme to make up for outdated militaristic. In this welter of issues back to the point. The

Italians do not exist as such. So not quite make sense to ask what unites them. And yet ... A constant is common ... The ability to express a different local perseverance and tenacity are unique. This thing can become bad or good depending on your point of view that you want to take. You can exaggerate or separatist Northern League and become the Sardinians. That the Neapolitan medium feel proudly different from Adige is understandable. You can also happily accept this environment, as the youth of the state. Or do better ... Consider this an absolute constant and in which we recognize as "Italians", without falling into provincialism neither excessive nor in naive professions of communalism.

In other states there are local, diversity, problems of living together. It would be stupid to think other states as monoliths devoid of heterogeneous parts. But we have only taken this system a natural tendency of the local world. Think how fortunate we are to go to another region to sample a new dish or a landscape very different from that at home!

I do not know if we can be proud of if the price is a total absence of national communion. But right now the situation is this. Right now appeals to a "common flag" at risk of becoming artificial, a bit of propaganda and not very conscious of our own (see? OUR) beautiful diversity that should not be exploited or made absolute, but only peacefully accepted as part of our being "Italian." An Italian

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ice Cream Inebrya Blue

Link - February 20

  • Reading a post of Leonardo, I finished reading this Ricolfi interesting editorial on Italy, and Berlusconi left;
  • The day after the indictment of Berlusconi here are the first 60 pages of foreign newspapers ;
  • Spinoza on events on Sunday;
  • Comments of Gilioli comments on the events of last Sunday;
  • Always Gilioli, briefly summarizes the content of the new dispatches of Wikileaks, I do not know if there is to laugh or to cry;
  • Bell ' article on Xavi, probably the best director in the world;
  • As always , a little 'photos from Big Picture: The Fashion Week in New York and the winning photos Word Press Photo contest.
  • And finally, since I reviewed "The speech of the King", here is the story of George VI on Wikipedia.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cervical Position And Menstruation

Iran censorship Photo

(Source: Corriere della Sera, photo: Dagospia) by Roberto Di Ferdinando

Even Catherine Ashton, the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs has been the victim of censorship in Iran. In the left, in fact, is portrayed along with Saeed Jalili, the chief Iranian nuclear negotiator, in Istanbul for talks on Iran's nuclear program also representing the five countries of the UN Security Council-Britain, France , China, Russia, the United States. In right photo, but we can notice a difference in clothing of the diplomatic community. The worst, punished in the photo on the left, one on the right is closer to the neck. The right photo is what it is appeared exclusively in the pages of newspapers in Iran. In fact, Iran has started the campaign against "immodest clothes" in the early days of this government initiative, approximately 1,300 women were detained by police in Tehran and was denied their clothing. The chastened Ashton, thousands of miles and in an indirect way they have been victim. Power of technology. RDF

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheron Bigger Milena Velba

Germany still accounts with the past

numerous historical commissions have been established by the German parliament and government to see if there was continuity between Nazi officials and the Republicans after the conclusion of the war. In recent weeks we talked about the diplomatic class. Today is the turn of the services secrets.
(source Corriere della Sera), edited by Robert Ferdinand

Monday, February 7, 2011

Harold And Kumar/bottomlessparty

Palestinian Papers, the Wikileaks

After the revelations of Wikileaks on American diplomacy and how Washington law, based on the report of his embassy, \u200b\u200brelations with friends and enemies, a stream of new revelations reveal the attempts of political pressure and diplomacy among four contenders in the Holy Land: the sole superpower, the United States, the old master of the world in the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century, and still ever-present and active British power, the Israelis and the Palestinians. A complicated struggle that saw the British presence, perhaps not unexpectedly, in the complex Middle East geopolitical game. Edited by Francesco Della Lunga

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Turn Off Sound Camera E71

not abandon the Palestinians Mubarak. The appeal of Israel

(Source: Corriere della Sera), edited by Robert Ferdinand

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Retirement Party Wording For Women

The Secrets of the Bulgarian diplomacy

internal investigation in Bulgaria has revealed that over one third of the foreign offices of the Bulgarian diplomacy would be headed by officials In the past employees of the communist secret services.
(Source: Seven-Corriere della Sera), edited by Robert Ferdinand