Friday, January 28, 2011

Aveeno Cream For Eczema

The cemetery of the forgotten

Yesterday, January 27th was Holocaust Remembrance Day but on RI I would not write anything about it. Why? If anybody cares, because I did not personally (Just a personal taste), it seems a bit 'simplistic and easy to remember always, unfortunately, only in the event. They should, however, be always and everywhere, every day, Days of Remembrance. Yesterday, yes, but even today, tomorrow, after tomorrow, in a week, a month, a year and we always want to remember. And I would always remember were the victims of all persecution, all nationalities have, profess religion, sexual orientation, like, a political idea ... follow fantamondo?
Here, in the commentary, carried a report in Corriere della Sera on January 6, 2010, which denounced a "graveyard of the forgotten", I think a good Article and subject to be treated when it comes to memory.
by Roberto Di Ferdinando


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